CFD modeling of the flow behavior over NACA0012 airfoil


Ole Petersen


Dec 18, 2022


In this tutorial, I will show from end to end how to do a 2d CFD simulation of an aerofoil including the generation of the geometry, the meshing using gmsh and the simulation using OpenFoam.


The starting point is the NACA0012 tutorial case in OpenFoam. Copy this case to your new working directory. In this tutorial, we will have a look at how to simulate your custom 2d geometry as the tutorial is intransparent about how the mesh was generated.

Mesh generation

We will use gmsh to generate the mesh. To do so, we will first generate the geometry using gmsh’s geometry format, use the gmsh GUI to debug the geometry and finally generate the mesh.

Geometry generation

The geometry will look as follows:

Geometry of our simulation

The volume in which fluid is to be simulated is the whole body from which the aerofoil in the middle is cut out. The circle arc on the left is the inlet while the outlet is the rectangle on the right.
The whole geometry generation is done in the mesh_generation.jl script, which outputs a gmsh geometry file aerofoil.geo that gmsh can read. Note that gmsh has its own geometry scripting language, but I found it easier to use a proper programming language like julia to generate the geometry.

Generating the profile

We will simulate a NACA0012 airfoil, which is described by the following equation: \[ y(x) = \pm0.594689181*(0.298222773*\sqrt{x} - 0.127125232*x - 0.357907906*x^2 + 0.291984971*x^3 - 0.105174606*x^4) \] Now, we will generate a set of points that describe the profile:

y(x)= 0.594689181*(0.298222773*sqrt(x) - 0.127125232*x - 0.357907906*x^2 + 0.291984971*x^3 - 0.105174606*x^4)
n_points_per_side=10 # this would be much higher in the real case
for i in 1:n_points_per_side
    println(io,"Point($i) = {$x, $(y(x)), 0.0,$mesh_size};")
for i in 1:n_points_per_side
    println(io,"Point($(i+n_points_per_side)) = {$(x), $(-y(x)), 0.0,$mesh_size};")
Point(1) = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.005};
Point(2) = {0.1, 0.046561895043862704, 0.0,0.005};
Point(3) = {0.2, 0.056968557150769476, 0.0,0.005};
Point(4) = {0.3, 0.05948422462775665, 0.0,0.005};
Point(5) = {0.4, 0.05738266105317275, 0.0,0.005};
Point(6) = {0.5, 0.05219019673131475, 0.0,0.005};
Point(7) = {0.6, 0.04479110070446828, 0.0,0.005};
Point(8) = {0.7, 0.03570927685952479, 0.0,0.005};
Point(9) = {0.8, 0.025211311562171167, 0.0,0.005};
Point(10) = {0.9, 0.013352458679209828, 0.0,0.005};
Point(11) = {1.0, 1.650594053104193e-17, 0.0,0.005};
Point(12) = {0.9, -0.013352458679209828, 0.0,0.005};
Point(13) = {0.8, -0.025211311562171167, 0.0,0.005};
Point(14) = {0.7, -0.03570927685952479, 0.0,0.005};
Point(15) = {0.6, -0.04479110070446828, 0.0,0.005};
Point(16) = {0.5, -0.05219019673131475, 0.0,0.005};
Point(17) = {0.4, -0.05738266105317275, 0.0,0.005};
Point(18) = {0.30000000000000004, -0.05948422462775666, 0.0,0.005};
Point(19) = {0.19999999999999996, -0.05696855715076947, 0.0,0.005};
Point(20) = {0.09999999999999998, -0.046561895043862704, 0.0,0.005};

The syntax is Point(i) = {x, y, z, mesh_size}; where i is a unique index of the point, x, y and z are the coordinates and mesh_size is the desired mesh size at this point. Pasting this output into a file called aerofoil.geo (or setting the script up to write its output to that file like in the final version and running gmsh aerofoil.geo will prompt you with the following:

Profile points

The next critical step is to connect all the points with a spline. The profile points should be connected with a single spline instead of a set of hundreds of single lines since this will later enable us to name the aerofoil surface. This is done by the following code:


The syntax is Spline(i)={p1,p2,}; where i is a unique index of the spline and pi are the indices of the points the spline should connect. pi:pj is a shorthand for pi,pi+1,...,pj. The 1 at the end of the line is the first index again, which is needed to close the spline. The result is the following:

Profile with spline

Generating the bounding box

The next step is to generate the bounding box. This is done by the following code:

println(io,"Point($(n_aerofoil_points+1)) = {0.0, $(bounding_radius), 0.0, $far_field_mesh_size};")
println(io,"Point($(n_aerofoil_points+2)) = {0.0, $(-bounding_radius), 0.0, $far_field_mesh_size};")
println(io,"Point($(n_aerofoil_points+3)) = {$(-bounding_radius), 0.0, 0.0, $far_field_mesh_size};")
println(io,"Point($(n_aerofoil_points+4)) = {$(bounding_radius), $(bounding_radius), 0.0, $far_field_mesh_size};")
println(io,"Point($(n_aerofoil_points+5)) = {$(bounding_radius), $(-bounding_radius), 0.0, $far_field_mesh_size};")
println(io,"Circle($(n_aerofoil_points+1))= {$(n_aerofoil_points+2), 1, $(n_aerofoil_points+3)};")
println(io,"Circle($(n_aerofoil_points+2))= {$(n_aerofoil_points+3), 1, $(n_aerofoil_points+1)};")
println(io,"Line($(n_aerofoil_points+3)) = {$(n_aerofoil_points+1), $(n_aerofoil_points+4)};")
println(io,"Line($(n_aerofoil_points+4)) = {$(n_aerofoil_points+4), $(n_aerofoil_points+5)};")
println(io,"Line($(n_aerofoil_points+5)) = {$(n_aerofoil_points+5), $(n_aerofoil_points+2)};")
Point(21) = {0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.3};
Point(22) = {0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.3};
Point(23) = {-5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3};
Point(24) = {5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.3};
Point(25) = {5.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.3};
Circle(21)= {22, 1, 23};
Circle(22)= {23, 1, 21};
Line(23) = {21, 24};
Line(24) = {24, 25};
Line(25) = {25, 22};

You can look up the exact syntax of the commands in the Gmsh documentation. The result is the following:

Profile with bounding box

Next, we want to create a surface that fills the area between the aerofoil and the bounding box. This is done by the following code:

println(io,"Curve Loop(2) = {$(n_aerofoil_points+1):$(n_aerofoil_points+5)};")
println(io,"Curve Loop(3) = {1};")
println(io,"Plane Surface(1) = {2,3};")
Curve Loop(2) = {21:25};
Curve Loop(3) = {1};
Plane Surface(1) = {2,3};

We join a set of lines to a loop with Curve Loop(i) = {p1,p2,}; where i is a unique index of the loop and pi are the indices of the lines the loop should connect. Loop 2 is the bounding box and loop 3 is the aerofoil. We then join the loops to a surface with Plane Surface(i) = {l1,l2,}; where i is a unique index of the surface and li are the indices of the loops the surface should connect. This does not make a visual difference.

Extruding the geometry

OpenFoam does not allow us to use 2D geometries, so we need to extrude the geometry in the z-direction. This is done by the following code:

surfaceVector[] = Extrude {0, 0, meshThickness} {
Physical Volume("internalField") = surfaceVector[1];
Physical Surface("frontAndBackPlanes") = {surfaceVector[0],1};
Physical Surface("INLET")={surfaceVector[2],surfaceVector[3]};
Physical Surface("OUTLET")={surfaceVector[5]};
Physical Surface("AIRFOIL")={surfaceVector[7]};
Physical Surface("WALL")={surfaceVector[4],surfaceVector[6]};
surfaceVector[] = Extrude {0, 0, meshThickness} {
Physical Volume("internalField") = surfaceVector[1];
Physical Surface("frontAndBackPlanes") = {surfaceVector[0],1};
Physical Surface("INLET")={surfaceVector[2],surfaceVector[3]};
Physical Surface("OUTLET")={surfaceVector[5]};
Physical Surface("AIRFOIL")={surfaceVector[7]};
Physical Surface("WALL")={surfaceVector[4],surfaceVector[6]};

We extrude in the direction of the vector {0,0,meshThickness} with Extrude {0, 0, meshThickness} {Surface{1};Layers{1};Recombine;};. Surface{1}; tells gmsh we want to extrude the surface with the index one we just created. The Layers{1} command tells Gmsh to only generate one mesh layer. The Recombine command instructs gmsh to merge neighboring cells together after the extrusion so that the result is a prism instead of a set of tetrahedra.

Finally, we need to assign names to surfaces in order to be able to later set boundary conditions in OpenFoam. The keyword Physical means that a name needs to be exported to the mesh. The syntax is Physical Surface{"name_i_choose"}={p1,p2,}; where p1,p2, are the indices of the surfaces we want to assign the name to. The same holds for volumes. The names we choose are frontAndBackPlanes, INLET, OUTLET, AIRFOIL and WALL. The names are not important, but they need to be consistent with the names we use in OpenFoam. The Extrude command returns a list of surfaces it created by the extrusion as well as the volume it created. The ordering of these values is described by the docs as follows:

By default, the list contains the “top” of the extruded entity at index 0 and the extruded entity at index 1, followed by the “sides” of the extruded entity at indices 2, 3, etc.

Now you see why it is important the aerofoil consists of only one loop: Else we would have to assign a few hundred surfaces to a physical surface now. Even now the assignment is not trivial, but you can either try to keep track of the order in which the lines were added to the extrusion or use the visibility tool in gmsh, go to the tree view, select only one physical surface and click Apply. This will show you if you assigned the physical surface to the correct surfaces.

Meshing the geometry

Now we have the geometry ready to be meshed. Running the geometry generation script will create a file aerofoil.geo in the current directory. We can now run gmsh on this file to create the mesh:

julia mesh_generation.jl
gmsh -3 aerofoil.geo -format msh2

Here, the -3 flag tells gmsh to create a 3D mesh. The -format msh2 flag tells gmsh to create a mesh in the msh2 format instead of the newest msh4 format. This is necessary since else we will not be able to convert the mesh to the OpenFoam format, resulting in hard-to-debug errors. The resulting mesh file aerofoil.msh can be viewed by typing gmsh aerofoil.msh in the terminal. The result should look like this:


However, you might realize the cells in this mesh have a triangular cross-section. My experience is that this is less numerically stable in practice. Therefore I added

Recombine Surface{1};

to the gmsh geometry. This causes neighbouring triangular cells to be recombined into more effective shapes. The result looks like this:

Recombined mesh

Converting the mesh to OpenFoam format

Now we have the mesh in the msh2 format by running

# load OpenFoam into context
source /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-10/etc/bashrc
gmshToFoam aerofoil.msh

This will create a directory constant/polyMesh with the mesh in the OpenFoam format. Now have a look at the constanc/boundary file. It should look like this:

    format          ascii;
    class           polyBoundaryMesh;
    location        "constant/polyMesh";
    object          boundary;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

5 // entry0
        type            patch;
        physicalType    patch;
        nFaces          33288;
        startFace       24701;
        type            patch;
        physicalType    patch;
        nFaces          54;
        startFace       57989;
        type            patch;
        physicalType    patch;
        nFaces          34;
        startFace       58043;
        type            patch;
        physicalType    patch;
        nFaces          34;
        startFace       58077;
        type            patch;
        physicalType    patch;
        nFaces          408;
        startFace       58111;

Now we need to assign the types of the frontAndBackPlanes to empty, telling OpenFoam that the geometry is “pseudo-2d” and that of the AIRFOIL to wall. We can do this either by editing the file manually or by running

function setBoundaryType {
    foamDictionary constant/polyMesh/boundary -entry entry0/$1/type -set $2
setBoundaryType frontAndBackPlanes empty
setBoundaryType AIRFOIL wall 

And now we have our mesh!

Setting boundary conditions

Boundary conditions are set in the 0 directory. Here we reference the names we gave to the physical surfaces earlier and set values accordingly. For example the velocity boundary conditions are set as follows:

    format          ascii;
    class           volVectorField;
    object          U;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

dimensions      [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ];

angle           10;

magnitude       51.4815;

radAngle        #calc "degToRad($angle)";

internalField   uniform ( #calc "$magnitude*cos($radAngle)" #calc "$magnitude*sin($radAngle)" 0 );

        type            freestreamVelocity;
        freestreamValue $internalField;
        type            freestreamVelocity;
        freestreamValue $internalField;
        type            freestreamVelocity;
        freestreamValue $internalField;
        type            noSlip;
        type            empty;

The #calc macro can be used to evaluate expressions and I use it to be able to set the angle of attack. For the other fields, have a look at the repository.

Turbulence models

I set up this case to work with the k-epsilon, k-omega and Spallart Allamars turbulence models. These use additional fields to model turbulence. The initial conditions for these fields are also set up in the [0-directory] (case/0). Since the nut field is shared between turbulence models, the boundary conditions must be changed when setting a turbulence model, uncomment the correct values in the file.

Running the simulation

Now we can run the simulation by running


in the case directory. Now calling paraFoam -builtin will open a window with the results, here showing the pressure field at 10° angle of attack:

Pressure field


Finally, we might want to compute force coefficients. To do so, we edit system/controlDict:


timePrecision   6;

runTimeModifiable true;
// here the new code starts
        type            forceCoeffs;
        functionObjectLibs ( "" );
        enabled         true;
        writeControl   outputTime;
        p               p;
        U               U;
        rhoInf 1.225;
        rho         rhoInf;
        CofR  (0 0 0);
        patches (AIRFOIL);
        liftDir (0 1 0);
        dragDir (1 0 0);
        magUInf 51.4815;
        pitchAxis       (0 0 1);
        lRef            1;
        Aref           1.0;

We are specifying that force coefficients should be computed from the pressure and velocity fields at a certain density, the center of rotation is in the origin (for calculating rotation coefficients), we want to compute forces on the AIRFOIL patch/surface, the lift direction is in the y-direction, the drag direction is in the x-direction, the freestream velocity is 51.4815 m/s, the pitch axis is in the z-direction, the reference length is 1 m and the reference area is \(1m^2\) (1m length, the extrusion depth is 1m). Now we can run the simulation again and the results will be written to postProcessing/forceCoeffs/0/forceCoeffs.dat. The results should look like this for an angle of attack of 10°:

# Force coefficients
# liftDir     : (0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00)
# dragDir     : (1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00)
# pitchAxis   : (0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00)
# magUInf     : 5.148150e+01
# lRef        : 1.000000e+00
# Aref        : 1.000000e+00
# CofR        : (0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00)
# Time          Cm              Cd              Cl              Cl(f)           Cl(r)         
0               1.005199e-04    8.689213e-04    2.007876e-04    2.009136e-04    -1.260811e-07
50              2.035919e-01    -4.819210e-02   7.422555e-01    5.747196e-01    1.675359e-01
100             2.156512e-01    -7.982419e-02   8.268958e-01    6.290991e-01    1.977967e-01
150             1.989127e-01    -8.818876e-02   8.174411e-01    6.076333e-01    2.098078e-01
200             1.937071e-01    -9.057140e-02   8.183314e-01    6.028728e-01    2.154586e-01
250             1.982154e-01    -9.338277e-02   8.350128e-01    6.157218e-01    2.192910e-01
300             2.051837e-01    -9.658069e-02   8.551922e-01    6.327799e-01    2.224124e-01
350             2.116860e-01    -9.937373e-02   8.728818e-01    6.481269e-01    2.247549e-01
400             2.160577e-01    -1.015911e-01   8.854153e-01    6.587653e-01    2.266499e-01
450             2.185094e-01    -1.031260e-01   8.930907e-01    6.650547e-01    2.280360e-01
500             2.198577e-01    -1.040943e-01   8.976094e-01    6.686624e-01    2.289470e-01

The coefficients are calculated at each time step of the solver (a time step is more of an iterative step since the simulation is steady). Note that the lift- and drag direction are not set according to the convention, normally the lift is perpendicular to the free stream velocity and not to the aerofoil. One can either fix this in the configuration or by rotating lift and drag by the angle of attack after the simulation, which is done here.


Single angle of attack

The following script runs the simulation at the angle of attack given in the argument:

cd "$(dirname "$0")" # change into location of this script
echo "Running airfoil simulation at $1 degrees at location $(pwd)"
# source /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-10/etc/bashrc
foamDictionary 0/U -entry angle -set $1
if [[ -z "${SILENT}" ]]; then
    paraFoam -builtin

It uses the foamDirectory command line utility to set the correct angle of attack (does work for all angles except \(0\)), runs the case and opens paraFoam to display the result if the SILENT environment variable has not been set. The resuls my look like this:

Velocity field for 12° angle of attack

You can also use the Filters->Common->Streamtracer utility in paraFoam to generate streamlines:

Streamlines for 12° angle of attack

Characteristic curves

The following script runs the simulation at multiple angles of attack in parallel, copying results to a single file calles allResults.dat:

angles=(0.001 2.5 5 7.5 10 12 15 20 25 30)

for angle in "${angles[@]}"; do
    cp -r . /tmp/airfoil_$angle
    SILENT=1 /tmp/airfoil_$angle/ $angle &
trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
name=$(jq '.name' config.json | tr -d '"')
turbulence_model=$(jq '.turbulence_model' config.json | tr -d '"')
mkdir -p results/$turbulence_model
rm -r $dir
mkdir $dir
cp config.json $dir/config.json
for angle in "${angles[@]}"; do
    echo -n -e "$angle\t\t" >> $dir/allResults.dat
    tail -n 1 /tmp/airfoil_$angle/postProcessing/calcForceCoefficients/0/forceCoeffs.dat >> $dir/allResults.dat

It copies the case directory to a new temporary directory for each angle of attack, runs the script, waits for all the simulations to finish and writes the last line of the calcForceCoefficients postprocessing output to a file called allResults.dat. The directory to write the results to is determined by the contents of the config.json file which allows you to save the results for multiple configurations. updates the config file with the current configuration of the mesh.

The results can be plotted like this:

using DataFrames,CSV, JSON3, Plots
for turbModel in turbModels
    for result_name in result_names"case/results/$turbModel/$result_name/config.json"))
        dataString=open(f->read(f, String), "case/results/$turbModel/$result_name/allResults.dat")
        # remove whitespaces and replace them with commas
        filteredString=reduce(dataString;init="") do l,r
          (r==' '||r=='\t') ? (l[end]==',' ? l : l*",") : l*r
        liftData=CSV.File(IOBuffer(filteredString), header=false) |> DataFrame |> Matrix
        df=DataFrame(angle=angles, tangent_coefficient=tangentCoeffs, normal_coefficient=normalCoeffs, lift_coefficient=liftCoeffs, drag_coefficient=dragCoeffs)
p_lift=plot(label="Lift coefficient", xlabel="Angle of attack [deg]", ylabel="\$C_L\$", title="Lift coefficient for k-epsilon model", ylims=(0,1.5))
for (result_name, result) in resultData["kEpsilon"]
  plot!(p_lift,result.angle, result.lift_coefficient, label=configs["kEpsilon"][result_name]["name"])

You can see that the finest structured mesh did not converge.

Similarly, the drag coefficients can be plotted like this:

p_drag=plot(label="Drag coefficient", xlabel="Angle of attack [deg]", ylabel="\$C_D\$", title="Drag coefficient for k-epsilon model", ylims=(0,1.5))
for (result_name, result) in resultData["kEpsilon"]
  plot!(p_drag,result.angle, result.drag_coefficient, label=configs["kEpsilon"][result_name]["name"])

I hope this post made it a bit easier to understand how a 2D CFD simulation of an external flow can be performed using OpenFoam and gmsh!